

This was published 8 years ago

Chilcot report: Iraq invasion 'not justified', UK government report finds

By Nick Miller

The UK chose to invade Iraq in 2003 based on flawed intelligence that should have been challenged but wasn't, and which was presented in a way that glossed over reservations and ambiguities, according to the long-awaited "Chilcot report".

British prime minister Tony Blair allowed the US's military timetable to override his own, abandoning plans to pull together international consensus and to properly plan for the post-invasion period, because he decided it was "right and necessary" to defer to his close ally, the report finds.

It quoted a private note from Mr Blair to US president George Bush in July 2002, in which he pledged "I will be with you, whatever".

And the process by which the UK government decided it had legal justification for the invasion was "far from satisfactory", the report's author Sir John Chilcot said.

Tony Blair visits troops in Iraq on December 22, 2005.

Tony Blair visits troops in Iraq on December 22, 2005.Credit: AP

Mr Blair and Mr Bush had undermined the authority of the UN Security Council by proceeding to military action.

The severity of the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was presented to the public with "a certainty that was not justified" and "despite explicit warnings, the consequences of the invasion were underestimated", Sir John said. Planning and preparations for a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq were "wholly inadequate".

The report criticised Mr Blair's political tactics ahead of the invasion.


"The tactics chosen by Mr Blair were to emphasise the threat which Iraq might pose, rather than a more balanced consideration of both Iraq's capabilities and intent; and to offer the UK's support for President Bush in an effort to influence his decisions on how to proceed.

Sir John Chilcot presents his report at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London.

Sir John Chilcot presents his report at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London.Credit: AP

"Mr Blair, who recognised the significance of the post-conflict stage, did not press president Bush for definite assurances about US plans, did not consider or seek advice on whether the absence of a satisfactory plan called for reassessment of the terms of the UK's engagement and did not make agreement on such a plan a condition of UK participation in military action."

Blair responded that he had taken the decision to go to war "in good faith", that he still believed it was better to remove Saddam, and that he did not see that action as the cause of terrorism today, in the Middle East or elsewhere.

Rose Gentle's son Fusilier Gordon Gentle was killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb in 2004.

Rose Gentle's son Fusilier Gordon Gentle was killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb in 2004.Credit: AP

"The intelligence assessments made at the time of going to war turned out to be wrong. The aftermath turned out to be more hostile, protracted and bloody than ever we imagined," the former prime minister, looking gaunt and strained, told reporters.

"For all of this, I express more sorrow, regret and apology than you will ever know."

Protesters hold a banner outside the London home of Tony Blair.

Protesters hold a banner outside the London home of Tony Blair.Credit: AP

In 2009 Sir John was commissioned by then-prime minister Gordon Brown to investigate whether it was right and necessary to invade Iraq in March 2003. At the time it was estimated the enquiry would take a year.

The final report runs to 12 thick volumes and contains 2.6 million words. Even the "executive summary" is 145 pages long.

Royal Irish Rangers move towards Iraq in the Kuwaiti desert.

Royal Irish Rangers move towards Iraq in the Kuwaiti desert.Credit: AP

The enquiry heard from more than 100 witnesses – including Mr Blair twice – and it researched declassified Cabinet papers, intelligence assessments of Iraq's weapons capability and private correspondence between Mr Blair and Mr Bush.

All those criticised in its findings were given an opportunity to respond before the report was finished.

A British trooper falls after being hit by a rock in Basra in 2006.

A British trooper falls after being hit by a rock in Basra in 2006.Credit: AP

"The UK chose to join the invasion of Iraq before the peaceful options for disarmament had been exhausted," Sir John said after the report's publication on Wednesday. "Military action at that time was not a last resort."

His enquiry looked into the UK intelligence about Iraq's WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), which had been presented in a government report that was later dubbed the "dodgy dossier".

The long-awaited Chilcot report.

The long-awaited Chilcot report. Credit: Getty Images

The report concluded there was no evidence that intelligence was improperly included in the dossier or that No 10 improperly influenced the text.

However Sir John said: "the judgments about the severity of the threat posed by Iraq's WMDs were presented with a certainty that was not justified."

Former British prime minister Tony Blair in London on July 5, 2016.

Former British prime minister Tony Blair in London on July 5, 2016.Credit: Getty Images

It was reasonable for the government to be concerned about the fusion of proliferation and terrorism but there was no basis in the Joint Intelligence Committee assessments to suggest that Iraq itself represented such a threat, the report said.

"At no stage was the proposition that Iraq might no longer have chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or programs identified and examined.

A declassified handwritten letter sent by Tony Blair to George W. Bush.

A declassified handwritten letter sent by Tony Blair to George W. Bush.Credit: Getty Images

"Intelligence and assessments were used to prepare material to be used to support government statements in a way which conveyed certainty without acknowledging the limitations of the intelligence.

"At the time of the parliamentary vote of 18 March 2003, diplomatic options had not been exhausted. The point had not been reached where military action was the last resort."

The report found: "the widespread perception that the September 2002 dossier overstated the firmness of the evidence about Iraq's capabilities and intentions in order to influence opinion and 'make the case' for action to disarm Iraq has produced a damaging legacy, including undermining trust and confidence in government statements, particularly those which rely on intelligence which cannot be independently verified".

Sir John singled out for criticism Mr Blair's statement to parliament on 24 September 2002, in which he presented "evidence" of the threat from Iraq's WMDs, and another in March 2003 in which he said terrorists with WMDs – and the threat from Saddam Hussein's arsenal – posed a real and present danger to British citizens.

Sir John said the government's policy on Iraq "was made on the basis of flawed intelligence and assessments. They were not challenged and they should have been".

Britain had accepted a US-set timetable for military action despite failing to secure a resolution from the UN Security Council that Iraq had failed to comply with weapons inspection obligations, Sir John said.

"Without evidence of major new Iraqi violations or reports from the inspectors that Iraq was failing to co-operate… most members of the Security Council could not be convinced that peaceful options to disarm Iraq had been exhausted and that military action was therefore justified.

"In the absence of a majority in support of military action, we consider that the UK was, in fact, undermining the Security Council's authority."

Sir John said there had been no substantive discussion of the military options until the eve of war.

The UK's relationship with the US was a determining factor in the government's decisions over Iraq, the report said.

"The US administration committed itself to a timetable for military action which did not align with, and eventually overrode, the timetable and processes for (weapons) inspections in Iraq… on these and other important points, including the planning for the post-conflict period… the UK government decided that it was right or necessary to defer to its close ally and senior partner.

"However a decision not to oppose does not have to be translated into unqualified support. Had the UK stood by its differing position on Iraq … the Inquiry does not consider this would have led to a fundamental or lasting change in the UK's relationship with the US.

"This is a matter of judgement and one on which Mr Blair, bearing the responsibility of leadership, took a different view."

Sir John did not say whether the invasion was legal, saying that question could "be resolved by… an internationally recognised court".

Mr Blair had claimed Iraq had breached its international obligations but "the precise basis on which Mr Blair made that decision is not clear", Sir John said.

Blair said the report should exonerate him from accusations of lying, which have been made by relatives of some of the 179 British soldiers who died in the conflict.

"The report should lay to rest allegations of bad faith, lies or deceit," he said in a statement.

"Whether people agree or disagree with my decision to take military action against Saddam Hussein; I took it in good faith and in what I believed to be the best interests of the country."

With Reuters

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